Thursday, November 5, 2020

SwiftUI Animations - 3 Simple Techniques (ft. Mark Moeykens)

It was so much fun creating this video with Chris's project! I love the ease and simplicity of #SwiftUI animations. 

I love Chris's work and his teaching style and highly recommend his YouTube channel and courses.

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Can You Use SwiftUI In UIKit Projects?

 Were you a little sad when SwiftUI first came out because you couldn't adopt it at work yet?

Maybe because it was too new or because you had a UIKit application or there were no new app projects coming up to use it?

You no longer have to wait!

- You don't have to create a whole new project just to start using SwiftUI.
- You don't have to think up a whole new app so you have an excuse to use SwiftUI!
- And SwiftUI is more mature than it ever has been to use in production.

You can start using SwiftUI right now in your existing UIKit applications!

Whether at work or for a personal project, you can learn some of the lesser-known tools Apple gave us with the release of SwiftUI.

UIKit 🤝 SwiftUI

It was funny to me that Apple hadn't talked more about these tools when SwiftUI first came out. These tools are the bridge from UIKit to SwiftUI. Yet most of their presentations are just about showing SwiftUI by itself.

This made me and many other developers think we had to use SwiftUI only in a NEW app/project.

Allow me to break that myth

You don't need a separate project just for SwiftUI. And if you've been holding off from really getting into SwiftUI because you were going to rewrite an app or create a brand new app then wait no more!

I created a course to walk you through how you can start using SwiftUI in your UIKit apps. I answer some of the most frequent questions developers have, such as:

- How can I leverage my UIKit knowledge toward SwiftUI?
- How can I add SwiftUI to my UIKit project?
- Can I pass data from a UIViewController a SwiftUI view and back?
- What are Property Wrappers and how do they work?
- Can SwiftUI be used to create complex UIs?
- Can you create Table Views in SwiftUI?
- How can I create Collection Views with SwiftUI?
- What if SwiftUI does not have a UIKit equivalent?

SwiftUI Weekend Kickstarter Course

This introductory course will answer all of these questions and walk you through how to do all of these things inside a UIKit project.
It's a weekend course because you will be able to finish it in one day and not have to devote a whole week just to complete it. 

You will be up and running as fast as possible!

Reference Guide

I also added a quick reference guide to all the important pieces of code you'll need to quickly start integrating SwiftUI within your UIKit projects.

So imagine being able to go into work tomorrow knowing you can now use SwiftUI in the UIKit project you have been developing and supporting.

Your next screen in your UIKit project can be built in SwiftUI.

Make work exciting again and learn these tools!


So yes, you can mix SwiftUI with UIKit.

Get this course today to start learning how!

Friday, July 24, 2020

How do I change the visual representation of the DatePicker?

In the new #SwiftUI 2.0, you have different options for how you want to display the DatePicker. Here are two options where you can use a calendar view or use the wheeled version. There are more options available than just these two though.

If you are interested in learning SwiftUI, I have an immersion bundle with a eBook that has embedded video examples, screenshots on every page with code, study guide, flash cards and the complete project with over 400 SwiftUI files. the book alone is almost 750 pages. All for 40% OFF during the SwiftUI Summer Sale. Take advantage of it now! 


Path functions in SwiftUI

In the new SwiftUI Views Mastery book I have expanded the Path section with all available path functions. I was a little intimidated at first with creating custom shapes but now I have a lot of fun creating them! They are super useful and versatile.


Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Can I change the background color of a SwiftUI GroupBox?

Someone asked me earlier if we can change the GroupBox background color in #SwiftUI.

I couldn’t change it directly but I was able to change it by creating a custom GroupBoxStyle.

This is from the chapter Custom Styling in the SwiftUI Views Mastery book.

Check out the FREE book:

Monday, July 20, 2020

Where can I used Pinned Views in SwiftUI 2.0?

In SwiftUI 2.0 you can use pinned views for anything with the word "Lazy" in it. 😃 

That's an easy way to remember (LazyVStack, LazyHStack, LazyVGrid, LazyHGrid).

Join hundreds of other devs and learn SwiftUI this Summer and get 40% OFF the SwiftUI View Mastery Bundle:

Only until August 3rd, 2020

Sunday, July 19, 2020

SwiftUI SignInWithAppleButton Customizations

I thought it was interesting how the #SwiftUI SignInWithAppleButton responds to different sizes you apply to it.

I'm not sure I would need all these variations for my own UI but it does spark some ideas.

(40% OFF SwiftUI Views Mastery Bundle - Ends August 3rd!)

Thursday, June 11, 2020

SwiftUI: 3 Ways to Evenly Space Views (2020)

3 Even-Spacing Solutions in SwiftUI.

(One might allow you to even get rid of some of your Spacer views.)

Thursday, January 9, 2020

The Number One SwiftUI Animations Concept? (iOS, Xcode 11, Swift 5)

In this quick video, you're going to learn how the concept of animations has dramatically changed in SwiftUI. SwiftUI animations can be easy but first, you should understand the CONCEPT of how they work.


After this, you will just be building on this SwiftUI animation concept to the point where it becomes natural.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Sneak Peek at the Second SwiftUI Transition Animation Challenge

Here is another sneak peek at a challenge to readers of the #SwiftUI Animations Mastery book. You have to put this together using nothing but transitions. 😲

Transitions can:
  • Save you a lot of time
  • Work on any size device without you having to do any extra work
  • Can be combined together
  • Can be customized so you can have a different animation when the view is added and another animation when the view is removed.

You will be able to do this challenge easily after going through this chapter on transitions. 😉👍

Animations are fun! Get started with my FREE book today:

SwiftUI Search & Filter with Combine - Part 3 (iOS, Xcode 13, SwiftUI, 2...

In part 3 of the Searchable video series, I show you how to use Combine in #SwiftUI for the search and filter logic connected to the searcha...