Saturday, March 28, 2015



// Use question mark to say this variable can be nil.
var myLastName: String?
myLastName = nil

// Check if nil (null)
if (myLastName == nil) {
    myLastName = "Moeykens"

// Using the Nil Coalescing Operator to get a value
let lastName = myLastName ?? "No last name found"
// Note: If myLastName is nil then "No last name found" is used.

Getting Value from Optional

Check for value using Optional Binding (if let)
if let lastName = myLastName {
    // It's guaranteed to have a value.
    print("Last name was found:\(lastName)") 
else {
    print("No last name found.")


"Unwrap" or "Unwrapping" refers to getting a non-nil value of the optional. There are a few different ways to do this without having to write an if statement every time to check if a value exists.

// Force Unwrap with exclamation point
print(myLastName!) // This will generate an ERROR if myLastName is nil

// A different way might be to use a ternary conditional operator to avoid the error
let lastName = myLastName == nil ? "none" : myLastName

// An even easier way is to use the Nil Coalescing Operator (??)
let lastName = myLastName ?? "none"
// The Nil Coalescing Operator automatically unwraps the optional if there is a value

print(myLastName) // This will NOT generate an error if myLastName is nil
// Will just print: "nil"
(Updated for Swift 2.2)



// Combine any values/types together into one variable/constant
let myNameTuple = ("Mark", "Moeykens", 44)

// Values in a tuple are called "elements" or "element values"

Access elements

// By Index
print("My first name is \(myNameTuple.0)")

// By naming the elements
let (myFirstName, myLastName, myAge) = myNameTuple
print("My first name is \(myFirstName)")

// Ignore elements with underscore (_)
let (justFirstName, _, _) = myNameTuple
print("My first name is \(justFirstName)")

// You can name the elements in a tuple too
let personTuple = (firstName: "Mark", lastName: "Moeykens", age: 44)

// Accessing elements in a tuple
var firstName = personTuple.firstName
(Updated for Swift 2.2)

Tuesday, March 24, 2015




// Explicitly
var myArrayOfNames: [String]
// Or Explicitly initialized
var myArrayOfNames: [String] = [String]()
// Or Explicitly initialized with values
var myArrayOfNames: [String] = ["Mark", "Bob", "Matt"]

// Implicitly
var myArrayOfNames = [String]()
// Or Implicitly initialized with values
var myArrayOfNames = ["Mark", "Bob", "Matt"]
// Or with values (3 values with "No name yet")
var myArrayOfNames = [String] (count: 3, repeatedValue: "No name yet")


// Add 3 names
myArrayOfNames = ["Mark", "Bob", "Matt"]
// Add one more to the end of the array
// Add two more to the end of the array
myArrayOfNames += ["Julie", "Patty"]
// Add a name so it's the 2nd in the array
myArrayOfNames.insert("Patrick", atIndex: 1)
// Change the 4th name
myArrayOfNames[3] = "Courtney"
// Remove the 5th name

print("I have \(myArrayOfNames.count) items in my array")
print("The 2nd name is \(myArrayOfNames[1]).")


for name in myArrayOfNames {

// Just a range of indexes
for name in myArrayOfNames[0...2] {

// Get the index position and the value
for (index, name) in myArrayOfNames.enumerate() {
    print("\(name) is at position \(index)")



// Say I want to hold Name and Age of a person.
// Explicitly
var peopleDictionary: [String:Int]
// Explicitly initialize an empty dictionary
var peopleDictionary: [String:Int] = [String:Int]()
// Implicitly
var peopleDictionary = [String:Int]()
// Implicitly with values
var peopleDictionary = ["Mark":44, "Bob":51, "Matt":45]


// Add 3 people
peopleDictionary = ["Mark":44, "Bob":51, "Matt":45]
// Add one more
peopleDictionary["Jeff"] = 44
// Change Courtney's age
peopleDictionary["Courtney"] = 30
// Change Courtney's age and get the previous age
if let oldValue = peopleDictionary.updateValue(32, forKey: "Courtney") {
    print("The old value for Courtney was \(oldValue).")
// Remove Jeff
peopleDictionary["Jeff"] = nil

print("I have \(peopleDictionary.count) items in my dictionary")
print("The age of Mark is \(peopleDictionary["Mark"]!).")


Note: Not going to cover too much because I will probably use this less than arrays and dictionaries.
How they are different:
  • Stores unique values (can not store duplicate values)
  • Not ordered (You insert an item, no guarantee where it will end up in the collection.)


// Explicitly
var mySetOfNames: Set<String>
// Or Explicitly initialized
var mySetOfNames: Set<String> = Set<String>()
// Or Explicitly initialized with values
var mySetOfNames: Set<String> = ["Mark", "Bob", "Matt"]

// Implicitly
var mySetOfNames = Set<String>()
// Or Implicitly initialized with values (Still need to say it is a Set)
var mySetOfNames: Set = ["Mark", "Bob", "Matt"]


// Add a name
// Remove a name

print("I have \(mySetOfNames.count) items in my set")

for name in mySetOfNames {
(Updated for Swift 2.2)

Sunday, March 1, 2015



class PersonBaseClass {
    var firstName: String = ""
    var lastName: String = ""
    func getFullName () -> String {
        return "\(firstName) \(lastName)";


Terminology in Swift

  • Subclassing = Inheriting "I need to subclass ObjectClass." (You need to inherit ObjectClass.)
  • Subclass = Derived Class, Child Class
  • Superclass = Base Class, Parent Class
In this example we are "subclassing" the PersonBaseClass:
class Mother : PersonBaseClass {
    var maidenName: String = ""
    func setIdentity (firstName: String, lastName: String) {
        // Find members of the superclass by using the word "super".
        super.firstName = firstName
        super.lastName = lastName
        // Find members in this class by using the word "self".
        self.maidenName = lastName
    override func getFullName() -> String {
        return super.getFullName() + " (\(maidenName))"

Instantiating and Using

var me = PersonBaseClass()
me.firstName = "Mark"
me.lastName = "Moeykens"

var mom = Mother()
mom.firstName = "Beth"
mom.lastName = "Moeykens"
mom.maidenName = "Marr"

SwiftUI Search & Filter with Combine - Part 3 (iOS, Xcode 13, SwiftUI, 2...

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