Monday, December 30, 2019

Who wants a SwiftUI Transition Animation Challenge?

SwiftUI Challenges

In the SwiftUI Animation books, I issue challenges at the end of the chapters. The goal is to:

  1. Teach some concepts with plenty of video examples and reusable code samples

  2. Take you through a step-by-step exercise

  3. Summarize what you just learned

  4. Quiz you on some key points

  5. Challenge you to build something with criteria

Here is a challenge at the end of the chapter on SwiftUI Transitions.

Challenges range in difficulty. Some are easy and some are more difficult.

This may seem easy but remember, you have to use transitions to accomplish this. And the timing has to be correct too. You should see one transition first and then the second one start before the first has ended.

What's tricky is you have to take into account distance traveled when it comes to animations and timing.

Want to get started with SwiftUI Animations for free? Then get my SwiftUI Animations Quick Start book!

You will go from complete beginner and understand the basic animation concepts in SwiftUI to making your app look it's best in no time using my custom teaching method and plenty of videos for each code sample.


Sunday, December 29, 2019

Want to learn more about SwiftUI Transition Animations?

Here is an exercise I take you through step-by-step when learning about #SwiftUI transition animations.
Think animations in apps are cool? 😎
Get started with my FREE SwiftUI Animations book:

More Details:
Here are all the individual animations and transitions that make up this completed animation. There are a lot of them!
1. “Ready to travel?” Transition: move to leading. Animation: ease out over 1.1 seconds.
2. Image transition: move to leading. Animation: ease in over 1 second.
3. “Let’s go!” Text and shape behind it use the same transition: move to leading but they use two different animations:
   a. Text animation: ease in out over 0.6.
   b. Shape animation: ease out over 0.6 seconds to give it the appearance of having a different speed.
4. First red button will rotate 180 over 1 second with an easeOut animation.
5. Second red button transition: move from trailing combined with opacity. Animation: easeOut over 1 second (uses the same animation as the first red button.)

Screen 2
1. “Where do you want to go?” transition: move from top. Animation: easeOut over 0.8 seconds.
2. Info VStack transition: move from trailing. Animation: ease in over 1 second.
3. Airplane image transition: move in from bottom. Animation: ease out over 0.8 seconds.


Friday, December 27, 2019

What are SwiftUI Transitions and How Do You Use Them?

The word “transition” means the process of change from one state to another.
Transitions are pre-made instructions you can apply to views that tells the view two things:
  1. How to be inserted into the screen.
  2. How to be removed from the screen.
Just a transition on a view will have no effect. 

It’s up to you to also supply an animation. 

It is important to note that a view with a transition and animation will still have no effect

No, you have to add the view that has the transition to the screen (and optionally remove it from the screen) to see the effect.

So, every view with a transition needs 3 things:

Want to know more about SwiftUI Animations?

Get started with SwiftUI Animations with this free book:

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Learn SwiftUI Animations Through Challenges?

I had a blast this weekend adding 70+ pages to the #SwiftUI Animations book.
Here’s the challenge I put together for you guys to solve using what the chapter on Spring Animations taught you!
In the book, SwiftUI Animations, I guide you through animations, options, parameters, plenty of examples, all through the use of real code AND VIDEO examples.
This is a textbook.
That means:
  • I teach you with examples so you can SEE the code and the video examples together.
  • I walk you through practicals so you know how to build up the animation from the ground up so you can get real, hands-on experience.
  • Read the summary that touches upon the most important parts of the chapter. The more times you see something, the more you’ll remember.
  • Answer questions in the quizzes to get you thinking through problems with what you just learned.
  • Then you move on to the challenges and see if you can push yourself accomplish some cool animations with SwiftUI.

Friday, November 29, 2019

SwiftUI Views Book: Visually Learn This Amazing Language With This Free Book

The fastest way to learn SwiftUI is with pictures!

Introducing “SwiftUI Views Quick Start”, your visual quick start reference. You will quickly get up to speed with SwiftUI by first learning the concepts, language changes then the hundreds and hundreds of screenshots and videos within.

Get your FREE copy here.

If you have ever felt that you didn’t have enough time to learn this new technology then this book is for you.

iOS Development Market Shift
SwiftUI is creating a major shift in the developer marketplace as more and more companies are adopting it.

This is driving up demand for developers that have experience with SwiftUI. 📈

So, become more valuable by learning SwiftUI in the quickest way possible with this comprehensive visual reference guide! 💵

Here’s how it works:
  • You learn one topic at a time
  • You see the visual result
  • THEN you see the code that created it

Look. Learn! It’s that easy!

Get it Today!
So what are you waiting for? Get your FREE copy today!

Thursday, November 28, 2019

New Book: SwiftUI Animations! For FREE!

This Unique Book Will Make You a Master at SwiftUI Animations

I'm excited to announce a new free book sample called "SwiftUI Animations".

This is a textbook. That means it's structured a little different than SwiftUI Views.

Each chapter is formatted like this:

  • Teach related concepts using video and code
  • Take you through a practical exercise on building an animation
  • Summary
  • Check your understanding with some questions
  • Challenges to see if you can reproduce an animation
  • Teach and Share - It's been shown that you can retain up to 90% of what you learn when you teach it.
Each Concept has video and code

This will really help the concepts sink in and help you find the effects you want to reproduce and learn from.

I wanted to make this book as simple and easy to learn from as possible with very little "fluff" and talking. I get straight to the point.

Get This FREE Book Here

Start mastering SwiftUI Animations!

Fun with SwiftUI's GeometryReader - Part 5: Creating a Sticky Header

And now for the final part of the series where you will learn how to create a "sticky header" or "bouncy header" where the top part of a scroll view stays in place and stretches and resizes like this:

You're going to have a lot of fun creating this effect!

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Fun with SwiftUI’s GeometryReader - Part 4: Creating Sizes

Creating that parallax scrolling effect in the last article was pretty cool, right?

Well, I have another cool thing to teach you but first...

Dynamically size your views using #SwiftUI's GeometryReader to accommodate for different device sizes. You will need to learn this before you can create the "sticky header" animation.

Fun with SwiftUI's GeometryReader - Part 3: Creating a Scrolling Parallax Effect

Use SwiftUI's GeometryReader to create a Parallax Scrolling effect!
Part 3 of the Fun with GeometryReader series.

You will learn how to build this:

Fun with SwiftUI’s GeometryReader – Part 2: Getting Locations

Learn about getting a view’s location. You will need to know this so we can create a cool scrolling parallax effect in Part 3.

Fun with SwiftUI's GeometryReader - Part 1: Introduction

Creating another blog series!

Here's the first post on GeometryReader. Learn what it is and what you can do with it. It's super powerful and very cool!

Follow this series. You're going to learn how to create a parallax effect with the GeometryReader:

 You will also learn how to create this "sticky header" effect:

Friday, October 25, 2019

SwiftUI: ToggleStyle - The Completely Customized Toggle

To completely customize the #SwiftUI Toggle view's colors, you're going to have to reconstruct it. I show you one way to do this in the SwiftUI Views book.

In the example above, I'm using a custom ToggleStyle (ColoredToggleStyle) that reconstructs the Toggle view so I can customize the colors any way I want.

My patrons have access to the full code.

Full Code:
Free Book Sample:

Thursday, October 24, 2019

SwiftUI: ToggleStyle Customization with isOn

Toggle customization! The code isn't displayed in this pic (next page) but you can use the #SwiftUI ToggleStyle and access the isOn property to determine how you want to represent that state. (2 different views.)

Full Code:
Free Book Sample:

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

SwiftUI: ToggleStyle

Yesterday you go the intro into a Toggle in #SwiftUI. But what about more customizations? You can use the ToggleStyle to BEGIN some customizations.
Free Book Sample:

"That's it?"
For the actual Toggle, yes.
But stick around and tomorrow you will see how to take ToggleStyle to the NEXT LEVEL implement your OWN custom Toggle. (I'm saving the best for tomorrow and the day after.) 🚀

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

SwiftUI: TextField Alignment

I had someone ask about aligning text within a TextField view and I didn't have a page in my book for this but added one just now.

I've been adding pages and updates. I'll try to get a new copy up on the site tonight:

Monday, October 14, 2019

SwiftUI: 3D Rotations that have Depth

Give your rotations "depth" by adding a Z-axis value along with X and Y values.
You can read and see more examples here:

This wraps up the series! Hope you liked it 😃

By the way, did you know you can sign up and get these tips delivered to your inbox? Join the Big Mountain Climber's Camp:

Saturday, October 12, 2019

SwiftUI: 3D Rotations Week - Combining the X & Y Axes

What happens when you combine and X and a Y-axis to a 3D rotation? What is created and how does this affect your rotation?

Find out here:

Friday, October 11, 2019

SwiftUI: 3D Rotations Week - Anchors ⚓️

How do you change where the 3D rotation happens?

Find out more here:

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

SwiftUI: Rotation 3D Effect

I remember asking if you thought you would see the text (overlayed on a rectangle) could be seen when flipped over. Yes, yes it can.

This week in #SwiftUI we look at Rotation 3D Effect!

Get Answers Fast Without Hours Of Experimenting With #SwiftUI Views:

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

SwiftUI Views Book Now Includes Xcode Project (460+ SwiftUI Files!)

I'm now including the culmination 750 hours of work and over 460 #SwiftUI files of experimentation, testing, failing and succeeding in the hands of all those that have and will be getting the SwiftUI Views book. 📙

Link with 15% off coupon 🎟 (expires in 9 days):

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

SwiftUI Container View Concept

SwiftUI has this concept of containers that will organize its child views in some way.

You add the container, then add some other views inside it.

Containers can also have modifiers applied to them.

Monday, September 30, 2019

SwiftUI Concepts - It's a Different Way of Thinking

From surveys, I found lots of developers are waiting for the final release of Catalina before learning #SwiftUI. It might happen soon. 

So this week I'm going to share some concepts to get you ready. No code. 

Grab the free book sample to follow along:

Monday, September 16, 2019

SwiftUI: ViewModifier - Centralize your App's Styling Info

If you find yourself repeating the same modifiers throughout your project, you may want to extract those modifiers into your own modifier. This is a great way to control your app's styling from a central place.

(Note: This info is only in the full SwiftUI book:

Friday, September 13, 2019

SwiftUI: Shadow Colors

In SwiftUI, you have the option to change the color of the shadow you add to views. (I exaggerated them here for effect.)
💡Tip: Consider using Color.primary if you don't want to lose your shadow in dark mode. (last example)

SwiftUI Book:

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

New SwiftUI Book! SwiftUI Views

It's here! I introduce to you my new book "SwiftUI Views"! Get it today and be a step ahead of everyone else!

Come check it out:

Thursday, August 8, 2019

SwiftUI: TabView TabItems

The SwiftUI TabView's TabItems can show just text, just an image or both. You don't need a VStack and order doesn't matter. It'll figure it out.


Wednesday, August 7, 2019

SwiftUI: TabView Introduction

The #SwiftUI TabView acts like a container for child views within it. These child views are individual screens. It provides tab buttons (TabItems) that allows the user to switch between these child views.


Monday, August 5, 2019

SwiftUI: Stepper (Beta 5)

I posted this when it was beta 4. Here is the beta 5 update. Also, notice ForEach now needs id.
You can sign up for this book now! 

Learn #SwiftUI visually:
For the full code:

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

#SwiftUI Stepper view can accept a range of values. You provide a min and max value with three dots between them as the second parameter. The 3 dots are called a "Range Operator" and it allows you to go from one to the next value.
Full Code:

Friday, July 19, 2019

SwiftUI: Stepper

SwiftUI Steppers! Bind it to a state variable to get and set the value. More info and the full code for this example here:

Thursday, July 18, 2019

SwiftUI: Slider with Images

#SwiftUI Slider with Images. I love the composability of SwiftUI. 👍🏼

Here's the code for the whole screen:

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

SwiftUI: The Slider - Introduction

Bind a state variable to a slider and you are good to go. Use the state variable to get and set the value of the slider. Want to create your own range of values? You can do that too!

To copy the code, go here ➡️

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

SwiftUI: The Picker View

#SwiftUI Picker view is pretty straightforward. You give it a state variable to link to its selected value. You can populate the values manually or with a ForEach view.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Friday, June 14, 2019

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Swift Measurement Conversions

When I needed radians for a rotation animation, I used to calculate it this way:

let radians = 45 * Double.pi/180

Until I learned about the Measurement object:

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Where am I? What have I been doing?

I haven't been too active on YouTube lately because I've been working on producing a course for Pluralsight. You can read more about it here:

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Reorder Table View Rows - Part 44 - Itinerary App (iOS, Xcode 10, Swift 5)

Have you ever wanted to give your users the ability to reorder the rows in your table view? If so then this video will show you how. There are basically 3 steps.

I'll walk you through the most difficult scenario. Difficult because we are reordering rows within sections. By the end of this video, sorting cells in table views will be easy!

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Visual Swift Memory Mastery Coupon!

A lot of people missed the free promotion. But I created a coupon code to keep the price at a minimum and to avoid Udemy's fluctuating costs.

#SwiftLang #iOSDev #Xcode

SwiftUI Search & Filter with Combine - Part 3 (iOS, Xcode 13, SwiftUI, 2...

In part 3 of the Searchable video series, I show you how to use Combine in #SwiftUI for the search and filter logic connected to the searcha...