Assuming you already added an entity to your *.xcdatamodeld file, this is how you would get all entities.
When you auto-generated your NSManagedObject Subclass, you should have had a "@objc(MyEntity)" above it. Do not delete this, put it back in. Or just copy your code, regenerate the managed object class and paste your code back in.
(Swift 2.2)
func getRecipes() { let app = UIApplication.sharedApplication().delegate as! AppDelegate let context = app.managedObjectContext let fetchRequest = NSFetchRequest(entityName: "MyEntity") do { let results = try context.executeFetchRequest(fetchRequest) recipes = results as! [Recipe] } catch let err as NSError { print(err.debugDescription) } }
Possible Errors and Resolutions
Execution breaks in the AppDelegate.managedObjectModel property. This happens when you are not including (targeting) the *.xcdatamodeld for your app. Fix by clicking on your *.xcdatamodeld file and go to File Inspector pane on the right and put a checkmark next to your app name under "Target Membership".Unable to load class
Full Error: CoreData: warning: Unable to load class named '______' for entity '______'. Class not found, using default NSManagedObject instead.When you auto-generated your NSManagedObject Subclass, you should have had a "@objc(MyEntity)" above it. Do not delete this, put it back in. Or just copy your code, regenerate the managed object class and paste your code back in.
(Swift 2.2)
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