Thursday, January 9, 2020

The Number One SwiftUI Animations Concept? (iOS, Xcode 11, Swift 5)

In this quick video, you're going to learn how the concept of animations has dramatically changed in SwiftUI. SwiftUI animations can be easy but first, you should understand the CONCEPT of how they work.


After this, you will just be building on this SwiftUI animation concept to the point where it becomes natural.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Sneak Peek at the Second SwiftUI Transition Animation Challenge

Here is another sneak peek at a challenge to readers of the #SwiftUI Animations Mastery book. You have to put this together using nothing but transitions. 😲

Transitions can:
  • Save you a lot of time
  • Work on any size device without you having to do any extra work
  • Can be combined together
  • Can be customized so you can have a different animation when the view is added and another animation when the view is removed.

You will be able to do this challenge easily after going through this chapter on transitions. 😉👍

Animations are fun! Get started with my FREE book today:

SwiftUI Search & Filter with Combine - Part 3 (iOS, Xcode 13, SwiftUI, 2...

In part 3 of the Searchable video series, I show you how to use Combine in #SwiftUI for the search and filter logic connected to the searcha...